Established Businesses (Growth Stage)

Join PhilaWaju to give your business a boost! Our 6-dimensional SWOT analysis enables us to better understand your business.
The 1:1 interview with our principals makes sure we match you with the best advisors and technical assistance services that will enable you to grow.

Life Cycle

Established Businesses

Growth Stage

We provide access to resources and advisory services that enable established businesses to grow and compete globally. To join the program, businesses need to complete a SWOT analysis that focuses on Management, Finance, Sales and Marketing, Competition, Technology and Investment. The goal is to get a better understanding of existing opportunities for improvement to enable growth and success.


PhilaWaju uses a very rigorous process to select the most qualified Businesses. After completing a SWOT analysis, businesses & are selected through a rigorous and competitive process.


Selected Businesses will be put through an acceleration process by working with mentors and seasoned business executives.


PhilaWaju will provide access to services and resources that enable businesses to improve their operational efficiency, competitiveness and grow.

Technical Assistance

PhilaWaju provides access to resources and works with businesses on strategies that enable them to sustain thier growth and expand into new markets.

Service Offering

Business Readiness Service

  • Grant writing
  • RFP Support
  • Procurement Marketing
  • Business Registration
  • Business Certifications

Operation Support

  • Accounting
  • Book keeping
  • Financial Advisory
  • Legal Advisory

Growth Enablement

  • Sales and Marketing
  • Management and Technology
  • Investment
  • Advisory Services